More Features at Drone Park

Al Simpson and his crew have been busy this fall adding features to the Buena Vista Drone Training Park!

First to come was a 20’ x 66” diameter concrete and steel pipe donated by ACA Products. ACA is removing these from a water pipeline extending from the Arkansas River to Antero Reservoir. They delivered and set the pipe on September 28th. The funnel structure that was intended to lead into the pipe had to be modified and now the feature is ready to go and quite fun!

The next feature is a bridge structure to provide practice for inspection. They installed the truss system on November 6th and are working to install the deck.

We are also excited to have Sangre de Cristo Electric commit to provide and install a couple of power poles with equipment for inpection. We have also found a source for an antenna tower, so these will be the final two of the planned features of the Park.


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